海 报
主 讲 人 |
讲座题目 |
时 间 |
主持人 |
英语翻译 |
克莱顿教授 |
European Philosophy from Kant to Heidegger |
上午9:00-11:30 |
高正礼 |
陈旭东 |
庄国欧教授 |
中国文化在西方的地位: 兼评中国文化救世论 (从梁启超,梁漱溟,季羡林到罗素) |
下午2:30-5:00 |
姚宏志 |
克莱顿教授 |
French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century |
上午9:00-11:30 |
戴兆国 |
陈旭东 |
庄国欧教授 |
易经在西方的传播和影响: 从容格到德勒兹 |
上午9:00-11:30 |
郭淑新 |
克莱顿教授 |
Western Marxisms in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century |
上午9:00-11:30 |
彭启福 |
管月飞 |
克莱顿教授 |
Political Psychoanalysis |
上午9:00-11:30 |
王习胜 |
管月飞 |
庄国欧教授 |
感而遂通: 易经哲学和当代西方思想的情/感转向 |
上午9:00-11:30 |
余亚斐 |
克莱顿教授 |
Cultural and Political Theology from Schmitt to the Present |
上午9:00-11:30 |
汪盛玉 |
陈旭东 |
克莱顿教授 |
The New Materialism |
上午9:00-11:30 |
余在海 |
陈旭东 |
庄国欧教授 |
易经和当代西方的新唯物主义 |
上午9:00-11:30 |
干成俊 |
克莱顿教授 |
Religion, Politics, and the Earth |
下午2:30-5:00 |
张正光 |
陈旭东 |
Clayton Crockett is a Professor and Director of Religious Studies in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of Central Arkansas. His focus is on Contemporary Continental Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion, including Lacan, Derrida, and Deleuze. He is a co-editor of the book series "Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture" for Columbia University Press, along with Slavoj Zizek, Creston Davis, and Jeffrey W. Robbins.
He is the author of a number of books, including A Theology of Sublime (2001); Interstices of the Sublime: Theology and Psychoanalytic Theory (2007); Radical Political Theology (2011); Religion, Politics, and the Earth: The New Materialism (with Jeffrey W. Robbins, 2012); Deleuze Beyond Badiou (2013); An Insurrectionist Manifesto (with Ward Blanton, Jeffrey W. Robbins and Noelle Vahanian, 2016); and Derrida After the End of Writing: Religion, Politics, Materialism (2017).
He is the editor or co-editor of the following volumes: Secular Theology (2001); Religion and Violence in a Secular World (2006); Hegel and the Infinite (with Slavoj Zizek and Creston Davis, 2011); Cosmology, Ecology and Energy (with Donna Bowman, 2012); Theology After Lacan (with Creston Davis and Marcus Pound, 2014), and The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion (with Keith Putt and Jeffrey W. Robbins, 2014).
庄国欧博士1982年毕业于南京大学英美文学专业,2000年获美国南加州大学比较文学博士。现任美国中阿肯色大学现代语言系副教授,孔子学院美方院长,研究方向是比较文学,中西文学关系,当代西方文论,文化研究以及西方汉学等,在比较文学、西方文论、中外文化关系等领域发表论文多篇,论著《从帝国到民族国家:晚清小说的文化想象》将由Peter Lang 出版社出版。